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  • Writer's picturePipa

Tis the season for all things spooky!

Hey... Hey you... psst yeah you... Wanna see some cool and spooky things?

We first want to introduce you to Jack! Every so often, we experiment with some new ideas, techniques and those little crafty thoughts floating around in the back of our heads... this month it was Halloween inspired and we created this pumpkin bag!

I'd seen a lot of Jack-O-Lantern bags floating in a 2D design, but I wanted to have a go at making something that looked completely like a pumpkin! How hard could it be?! ...very.

However after a bit of trial and error, several different pattern design processes... leaving him on the side for a few weeks and coming back to him later on, he was made! There are a few different things I'd try out next time to give him more of a pumpkin shape... I also really miss the signature white stitch we typically use on our bags so would opt for this next time in a thinner thread!

He does however look incredibly happy with his little pumpkin family!


Batwings, batwings and more batwings!

I want to say a huge thankyou to everyone who has ordered batwings with us this season. We're finishing up the last batch today, ready to ship out tomorrow. Halloween is absolutely my favourite time of the year, and being able to share that with each of you out there that love it just as much is wonderful.

This year we have been able to add more colour photos and customisation options to the store. We had a few plans for this year which we didn't get to make, however they will absolutely be hitting the store next year, so be prepared!!!


Blossom Update

Lastly, the bit you're always here for, the blossom bags! I'm almost finished with order backlog, and the remaining bags are all on the workbench and nearly completed. Since getting the studio back up and running in August after the Mill closure, its been a huge push to get everything completed alongside September and October's small item orders. We're almost there! There has been a small delay with the kits that were due for release earlier this month, so we are looking to correct this as quickly as possible whilst keeping costs low. I am hoping to get the kits out as soon as possible so that people have enough time to make them for Christmas should they wish. Each bag takes approximately 8-15 hours to sew depending on your proficiency. There are also a few smaller sections to practice on! Bags can be raw leather or pre-painted, and will currently come without linings for speed on production. However instructions will be included should you wish to line your bag before assembly. I will also include a video call tutorial add-on option to the website should anyone need an extra helping hand, or not feel as confident in building their bag. In the next month, there will be a small number of slots released for completed blossom bags. These will be released frequently to ensure supply levels are managed in the studio and for more fair availability. Upon ordering, you will also have the option to choose which bag you wish for. We have a choice of three AC bags hitting the store. (If you're a waiting fish pochette stan please email me separately as these will not be hitting the store yet)

And with that, I return to the workbench! Hope you're all staying safe. Love and Leatherwork,

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